
Waking in the Red Zone with my Grandmother's Bones  (Honest Ulsterman, October 2023)
Jeju and Penang: Two Islands, Two Bus Rides  (Penang Monthly, October 2020)
Coffee in Jeju  (Mekong Review, August 2020)
Book review of We, The Survivors by Tash Aw  (Asian Cha, May 2020)
Flying Roti (Mekong Review, January 2020)
Book review of We, The Survivors by Tash Aw  (Rice Media, January 2020)
Book Review of On Earth We Are Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong (The Culture Review Mag, July 2019)
Jack of all Fruit. (Mekong Review, May-July 2019)
The Second Coming. (Mekong Review, October 2018)
From the Shadows. (Mekong Review. May 2018)
What emigrants miss about Irish summers: the kick of a football, the bleat of a sheep. (The Irish Times, August 5th 2017)
Dear Writers, How Do You Cope with the Submission Process? (Daily (W)rite, August 2nd 2017)
Counting and Numbers in Yoga Practice (Elephant Journal, April 29th 2017)
The Poetry of Bob Dylan (The Star, October 18th 2016)
PPAP - a critical dissection of Piko-Taro's Freudian Fruit Fetish (Eksentrika, October 13th 2016)
Yoga and paracetamol: How I strained my groin so you don't have to (Elephant Journal, April 7th 2016)
Climate change and me: An Irishman in Malaysia (The Irish Times, November 30th 2015)
Living in Malaysia, where every day’s a holiday (The Irish Times, June 22nd 2015)
‘I don’t remember a time when I didn’t know I would leave’ - Generation Emigration ‘Ireland and Me’ (e-book on Amazon(The Irish Times, December 5th 2014
A cement giant and a ‘threatened’ bat cave (Malay Mail Online March 1st 2015)
Stalking sea mammals in Langkawi. (The Star, October 23rd 2012)
“Moving back to Ireland is not in my plan, but none of it ever was.”  (The Irish Times, November 19th 2011)
In French / En francais
A travers les villages abandonnés d'Aragon (The Sasé Apparition) (Revue Pyrénéene, octobre et novembre 2013) (English translation)
Une Saison en Altitude - An account of 3 years spent working in a mountain refuge in the Pyrenees National Park (Revue Pyrénéene, mars 2007)


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