Finnuala Fiesta rides again

Originally published in The Incubator (Issue 7) my short story Finnuala Fiesta has been given a second breath of life by The Creative Process

The story is followed by an interview conducted by artist and writer Mia Funk whose artwork made especially for this story can be seen above. 

Can you tell us a little about the origins of "Finnuala Fiesta" and why you wrote it?
Finnuala Fiesta was inspired by a real life incident where a friend accidentally locked his keys in his car twice. I wanted to set the story in Ireland and the rest just came from wherever it is that stories come from. Since the initial idea was quite funny I thought that this would be a humorous piece, and to a certain extent it is (or at least that was my intention) but the story in itself morphed into something quite sad, where none of the three main characters are in a better place by the end of the story ... read more


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